发表于 2008-12-22 21:59:21
本帖最后由 sosofay 于 2012-2-12 12:13 编辑
[j]YDK3A RQE3NB[/j][j]YDK3A RQE3N2[/j]
Cp: 越前龙马×龙崎樱乃
[j]YDK3A RQE3MV[/j][j]YDK3A RQE3M0[/j]
敏感者请绕道而行www.otomedream.com#0?. ` C. h* }) y& `1 ?% M C3 B- Q。谢谢www.otomedream.com#0?2 p# M C( ~1 b) z4 E l。
[j]YDK3A RQE3M5[/j][j]YDK3A RQE3MF[/j]
[j]YDK3A RQE3N0[/j]
[j]YDK3A RQE3LP[/j]——And I know a love that will never grow old.
[j]YDK3A RQE3LW[/j]
[j]YDK3A RQE3LO[/j]
[j]YDK3A RQE3M4[/j]>>>>
[j]YDK3A RQE3M0[/j]Go to sleep, may your sweet dreams come true
[j]YDK3A RQE3LX[/j]Just lay back in my arms for one more night[j]YDK3A RQE3MD[/j]
I've this crazy old notion that calls me sometimes
[j]YDK3A RQE3N9[/j]Saying this one's the love of our lives[j]YDK3A RQE3LW[/j]
[j]YDK3A RQE3MB[/j]>>>>
[j]YDK3A RQE3M7[/j]樱乃迷路了www.otomedream.com#0?/ n# d. V% h# t* N( a O& H/ e。
[j]YDK3A RQE3LV[/j]即使在位于东京的青春学园国中部也照样迷路www.otomedream.com#0?4 r- ]+ D3 Z o0 S. N。
[j]YDK3A RQE3N2[/j]
[j]YDK3A RQE3NB[/j][j]YDK3A RQE3MZ[/j]
校长石村博之说本校标榜透过各式各样的的活动来培育文武兼备的人才www.otomedream.com#0?; h v, S9 U3 Y7 ^& F,那么路痴也算是一种人才吧www.otomedream.com#0?9 b# V0 |; x) V8 ?( x2 V s) a。
[j]YDK3A RQE3MP[/j]不管在什么地方都能够迷路平地也能摔上两三次www.otomedream.com#0?2 G1 Z& Y+ Y* \5 \ b0 u+ @,也稍微可以归类为天赋www.otomedream.com#0?6 `1 |9 r- H- R n/ e- U。
[j]YDK3A RQE3M0[/j]
[j]YDK3A RQE3N2[/j]
[j]YDK3A RQE3LT[/j]冬日的阳关谈不上耀眼夺目www.otomedream.com#0?4 o7 ]; J; |6 w6 W) y v p+ ?$ Z& c,但在寒冷的空气中却成为了温暖的光芒www.otomedream.com#0? r. b a! O- A# @- A。[j]YDK3A RQE3N7[/j]
夜里的一场小雪使樱花树和杏树上挂着闪烁的雪花www.otomedream.com#0?: x; {/ B$ B P) D8 p。在白日看起来更像挂满糖果礼物的圣诞树www.otomedream.com#0?) a0 A- d! z& I7 Q% W。[j]YDK3A RQE3NA[/j]
[j]YDK3A RQE3MJ[/j]
[j]YDK3A RQE3LV[/j]不过圣诞也快到了吧www.otomedream.com#0?6 ^! Z7 V- S7 T: P7 M1 m. V4 l p。
[j]YDK3A RQE3MR[/j]樱乃看着眼前的樱花树这么想道www.otomedream.com#0?8 ~, L1 k& m) K: J,直到突然想起自己应该去找回教学大楼时才匆匆忙忙的往回奔www.otomedream.com#0?% y, v6 u( q4 S( W* ]# L。[j]YDK3A RQE3ME[/j]
[j]YDK3A RQE3LS[/j]
——但龙崎樱乃是个路痴www.otomedream.com#0?2 C% A- o/ [5 [ |。
[j]YDK3A RQE3N7[/j]
[j]YDK3A RQE3LZ[/j]结果不但没有找到回去的路www.otomedream.com#0?6 h2 @5 _% [8 S, O,反而来到了图书馆下载/download/otomedream/ダウンロード*** [/j]" style="display:none;font-size:8px">www.otomedream.com#0?2 [1 c1 Z0 F \2 U# v。
[j]YDK3A RQE3ML[/j]樱乃一脸哀怨的望着面前的图书馆www.otomedream.com#0?- E! O2 e2 Y c5 u。
[j]YDK3A RQE3LP[/j][j]YDK3A RQE3LS[/j]
还是进去看看吧www.otomedream.com#0?6 V9 L( K3 Q2 [2 Z9 h Z; f。
[j]YDK3A RQE3MG[/j]樱乃侧头想了下www.otomedream.com#0?; U; p- a4 d- d! m$ s,便走了进去www.otomedream.com#0?( E5 k+ G2 X) B; ]。
[j]YDK3A RQE3MR[/j]
[j]YDK3A RQE3MY[/j]因为……明天是龙马君的生日啊www.otomedream.com#0?. U4 s) ]3 @/ u k L+ o,看下能够亲手做些什么给他吧www.otomedream.com#0?* e! }/ |, b6 G. k/ M/ z5 q [。
[j]YDK3A RQE3N4[/j]
[j]YDK3A RQE3M7[/j][j]YDK3A RQE3MP[/j]
在图书馆放置家政的书很多www.otomedream.com#0?4 Q& W- _0 |, f! ]- t9 ]9 v,毕竟家政也是一门学科www.otomedream.com#0?4 P- s- t _/ Q,再者女生多数也喜爱这些www.otomedream.com#0?5 x4 V/ M6 r8 n; O; \。
[j]YDK3A RQE3LU[/j]樱乃拿了几本关于制作虾烧饼之类的书走到不远处的休息室阅读www.otomedream.com#0?% U8 G2 B1 _* I# ?- p/ `, J,打开门却意外的发现龙马www.otomedream.com#0? _: O6 ~+ O) E3 ?。
[j]YDK3A RQE3MN[/j]那是她一辈子都不会认错的人www.otomedream.com#0?1 Z6 S3 f1 _5 _5 F3 c# V o+ Z8 R。
[j]YDK3A RQE3 ***下载/download/otomedream/ダウンロード*** [/j][j]YDK3A RQE3MW[/j]
[j]YDK3A RQE3N1[/j]When you wake up the world may have changed
[j]YDK3A RQE3MW[/j]But trust in me, I'll never falter or fail
[j]YDK3A RQE3LX[/j]Just the smile in your eyes, it can light up the night
[j]YDK3A RQE3MG[/j]And your laughter's like wind in my sails
[j]YDK3A RQE3LY[/j]>>>>
[j]YDK3A RQE3MS[/j]
[j]YDK3A RQE3LO[/j]龙马躺在沙发上www.otomedream.com#0?/ a( s7 T- C. o3 g& s( x. Q,脸上盖着本网球周刊www.otomedream.com#0?0 W* u! x( B N,网球袋随意的放置在地上www.otomedream.com#0?8 i2 P2 N5 Y# | ?- q7 P3 |; y。[j]YDK3A RQE3LU[/j]
[j]YDK3A RQE3MI[/j]
樱乃小心翼翼的走到他身旁www.otomedream.com#0?; u# M1 T, e; [7 K。[j]YDK3A RQE3MD[/j]
大概睡着了吧www.otomedream.com#0?6 P& n0 w- F! W3 j。
[j]YDK3A RQE3LQ[/j]正当樱乃看着龙马熟睡的样子时www.otomedream.com#0? }3 D% h1 _* k2 e# y ?+ }; P# k,那本该睡着的人突然拿开盖在脸上的书坐起来www.otomedream.com#0? O1 A) N! m8 i% K7 ]! I& I# u5 s/ u。
[j]YDK3A RQE3MB[/j]
[j]YDK3A RQE3N9[/j]“诶诶www.otomedream.com#0?( w& Z5 C# x. G4 y z4 l?龙www.otomedream.com#0?( B. g5 o O( p% A T- e6 N、龙马君你醒了啊www.otomedream.com#0?1 j9 q& ]5 z: L。”
[j]YDK3A RQE3MP[/j]
[j]YDK3A RQE3LQ[/j]龙马看着樱乃点了点头www.otomedream.com#0?$ W: A# L2 } l; v。不解的看着樱乃为什么会出现在这里www.otomedream.com#0?3 P$ g2 x1 B( K。[j]YDK3A RQE3MG[/j]
[j]YDK3A RQE3MR[/j]
“那个龙马君www.otomedream.com#0?2 n: [8 C B, r3 f Z2 y,你喜欢什么呢www.otomedream.com#0?$ y, z1 t, w9 y, H5 T* j( e?”樱乃紧张的抓紧了校服www.otomedream.com#0?8 ~/ J: [( f B7 ***下载/download/otomedream/ダウンロード*** ^2 I# w: ***下载/download/otomedream/ダウンロード*** v,继续补充道“因www.otomedream.com#0?2 Q7 A$ _5 [8 H `、因为龙马君明天就生日了www.otomedream.com#0?8 B+ ^- F2 A, c,所以我……”
[j]YDK3A RQE3LN[/j]
[j]YDK3A RQE3MI[/j]“咳咳www.otomedream.com#0? _1 E- \0 {5 _。”龙马突然的咳嗽起来www.otomedream.com#0? _ V: v0 \1 B。
[j]YDK3A RQE3LS[/j]“龙马君感冒了吗www.otomedream.com#0?: k/ m X, t8 m8 n?”樱乃担心的看着龙马www.otomedream.com#0?0 V* A8 I% G5 v$ R$ j,不顾先前自己多么紧张反而伸出手摸了摸龙马的额头www.otomedream.com#0?) @ n8 M6 y4 d. x$ \4 `* |,“幸好没发烧……不过龙马君要吃药才行……”当樱乃看着自己离龙马的脸庞距离不过五厘米的时候www.otomedream.com#0?! N: X* P2 ***下载/download/otomedream/ダウンロード*** Q$ [2 d$ P2 i; X/ B: f,才意识到自己在做什么www.otomedream.com#0?0 M! x _8 U- S5 i( j。[j]YDK3A RQE3MN[/j]
[j]YDK3A RQE3LT[/j][j]YDK3A RQE3M0[/j]
“我www.otomedream.com#0?) |. z. x0 K+ p$ ^6 b5 E2 G、我……”樱乃语无伦次的准备逃开www.otomedream.com#0?4 h J; v- h. U) n8 n! \,却被龙马握住了手腕www.otomedream.com#0?5 u: K y7 _/ z. ?8 G f$ a% n* k。
[j]YDK3A RQE3MW[/j]“呐www.otomedream.com#0?+ ?4 Z# h) k% I1 d R: i4 v, p。”龙马看着樱乃www.otomedream.com#0?2 g& b# M a; m; ]. |: `,“我想到礼物是什么了www.otomedream.com#0? m4 L$ v1 r- m1 [。”
[j]YDK3A RQE3MA[/j]
[j]YDK3A RQE3NA[/j]樱乃看着离自己越来越近的龙马的脸庞www.otomedream.com#0?: B& w; Q; W- ?! j {5 ] C0 q3 b; e,墨绿色瞬间淹没了眼帘www.otomedream.com#0?! A! b& A- I x9 J! K% N U R _% V/ P; n。
[j]YDK3A RQE3MY[/j]
[j]YDK3A RQE3MP[/j]>>>>
[j]YDK3A RQE3MO[/j]Lean on me, let our hearts beat in time
[j]YDK3A RQE3MA[/j]Feel strength from the hands that have held you so long[j]YDK3A RQE3MS[/j]
Who cares where we go on this rutted old road
[j]YDK3A RQE3MJ[/j]In a world that may say that we're wrong[j]YDK3A RQE3MA[/j]
[j]YDK3A RQE3M0[/j]
[j]YDK3A RQE3LX[/j]“樱乃樱乃~”朋香兴奋的拉着樱乃跑到网球部去www.otomedream.com#0?( h- o$ _9 F$ |& n) F。“今天是龙马少爷的生日哦~我们也去看吧www.otomedream.com#0?& g) ~; R* V5 D( l。”
[j]YDK3A RQE3ME[/j]樱乃无奈的看着朋香拉着自己往网球部的方向跑去www.otomedream.com#0? ?8 w4 a) X, M H/ I. t i2 v, e7 g。
[j]YDK3A RQE3LU[/j]“咳咳www.otomedream.com#0?5 W# G8 _: D8 {. s。”
[j]YDK3A RQE3MJ[/j]“诶www.otomedream.com#0?6 w+ O. O, Z7 a) z; U/ t?樱乃生病了么www.otomedream.com#0?1 [4 F8 k! ^# @9 D?”朋香停下来看着樱乃www.otomedream.com#0?* T. _0 G# c( s% _* S。[j]YDK3A RQE3N1[/j]
樱乃瞬间脸红起来www.otomedream.com#0? }7 K J8 ~! U,看到不远处走进网球场的龙马看着自己www.otomedream.com#0?; S+ I2 G6 L Y) h7 u k。
[j]YDK3A RQE3MP[/j]“大概感www.otomedream.com#0? Y/ t- t q! X% {、感冒了吧www.otomedream.com#0?* {; x d* A {3 k% x。”
[j]YDK3A RQE3ME[/j]
[j]YDK3A RQE3M5[/j]>>>>[j]YDK3A RQE3N4[/j]
Cause I know a love that will never grow old[j]YDK3A RQE3ML[/j]
And I know a love that will never grow old
[j]YDK3A RQE3N5[/j][j]YDK3A RQE3ML[/j]
[j]YDK3A RQE3 ***下载/download/otomedream/ダウンロード*** [/j]your kiss is the greatest gift of allwww.otomedream.com#0?. ?7 ]- n% l; Z1 s。
[j]YDK3A RQE3M5[/j]your love is the greatest gift of allwww.otomedream.com#0?1 B `# ***下载/download/otomedream/ダウンロード*** S+ K9 w* M。
[j]YDK3A RQE3LV[/j][j]YDK3A RQE3M6[/j]
[j]YDK3A RQE3M2[/j] —FIN—[j]YDK3A RQE3MB[/j]
[j]YDK3A RQE3LU[/j]
[j]YDK3A RQE3M5[/j]
[j]YDK3A RQE3MA[/j]
[j]YDK3A RQE3MK[/j]
[j]YDK3A RQE3LP[/j]以下吐槽后记www.otomedream.com#0? a9 |! V% k$ v% I3 M。
[j]YDK3A RQE3MJ[/j][j]YDK3A RQE3MD[/j]
不要问我结局是怎么回事www.otomedream.com#0?& d: X; x7 I t, w$ s p。(逃走
[j]YDK3A RQE3LN[/j]我也不知道为什么会这样啊混蛋www.otomedream.com#0?7 s+ O3 {% S; g5 r, @+ L6 R# k。
[j]YDK3A RQE3N4[/j]纯粹脑残rp之作来的真的不然人寿保险受益人写我名吧www.otomedream.com#0?3 K4 ] e3 I; J0 l9 ~。[喝茶]
[j]YDK3A RQE3MM[/j]
[j]YDK3A RQE3MP[/j]穿梭的英文来自于《断背山》主题曲……不要问我为什么会拿这首啦混蛋www.otomedream.com#0? C |; M n. z4 U0 [) ]7 d。虽然我知道很囧==+[j]YDK3A RQE3MY[/j]
[j]YDK3A RQE3MW[/j]
总之这篇大概是贺文的贺文(啥)www.otomedream.com#0?& K5 d- H* e+ m5 |% K,当作龙马的生日礼物吧…其实我不萌龙樱的(喂)[j]YDK3A RQE3M5[/j]
最近萌迹樱和冢樱诶www.otomedream.com#0?% R) m/ M% l6 |# v( T: q,不过还是OA王道啦←「题外话=口=」
[j]YDK3A RQE3MJ[/j]尽管完结了www.otomedream.com#0?1 V0 r. `3 F. t( W4 o+ f,但那嚣张着说まだまだだね的少年和总是脸红的少女www.otomedream.com#0?* i) v; a p6 I( b. _ x, ~5 q: Y、以及在球场挥洒着汗水的少年们www.otomedream.com#0?1 K$ T/ ?( w X# \,都不会忘记的www.otomedream.com#0?; Q8 a1 _ I5 V5 w9 i/ p& x. J。[j]YDK3A RQE3N2[/j]
你们陪我走过的那一段时光www.otomedream.com#0?7 M h `; z7 u7 V3 M。会成为心底怎么也无法洗刷掉的印记www.otomedream.com#0?. T& o6 m3 x Z7 ^1 c8 J。
[j]YDK3A RQE3M0[/j]
[j]YDK3A RQE3MU[/j]龙马的生日也快来了www.otomedream.com#0?# s) p z0 J n M- H,于是提前写好预祝吧=33=
[j]YDK3A RQE3N5[/j]お诞生日おめでとうございますwww.otomedream.com#0?- E2 w) ]1 c Z$ X b/ J9 p, B, Z。越前リョーマwww.otomedream.com#0?$ L& J% C- G$ S m。
[j]YDK3A RQE3M2[/j]
[j]YDK3A RQE3LZ[/j]
[j]YDK3A RQE3N9[/j]……我也不想矫情了啊混蛋www.otomedream.com#0?6 Y; P9 m0 d/ p。(逃www.otomedream.com#0?6 F$ T8 X. ^& X! D。