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[〖非常友情〗] [电子版补档 独家禁转][ヨネダコウ]囀る鳥は羽ばたかない 1 - 4 【「漂えど沈まず、されど鳴きもせず」も収録】【限定版小冊子「遠火」付】

匿名  发表于 2020-11-5 16:27:46 |阅读模式
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本作に収録されている「漂えど沈まず、されど鳴きもせず」は、「iHertZ band.1」で配信した作品です。


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发表于 2020-11-13 07:10:11
Thanks very much for generously sharing the four volumes together. I came to know about Saezutori wa Habatakanai when I was searching for Yakuza-themed yaoi manga. And this one is no doubt a gold~ Its interesting plot and unique drawing style are so captivating for me to keep on reading it. The portrait of the young Domeiki is so adorable, so is the Yashiro on the last page of the extra   ***下载/download/otomedream/ダウンロード***   Toobi (or Toohi?).
But it, sometimes, becomes too complicated for me to figure out what's going on as there are so many different characters in different Yakuza groups. And I still am quite puzzled over Yashiro's kiss on Doumeiki's cheek in the early stage as I couldn't understand why a person like Yashiro who has distanced himself from his highschool crush for so many years would let his guards down so easily so quick...

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谢谢回复 也感谢你没有用翻译器 这个故事本身就是讲了一群矛盾的人之间矛盾的事 看他们如何学会与自己和解 接受过去那个破碎的自己 矢代 从他认识百目鬼之前确实一直爱着影山 但这个爱 更像是自己一个宣泄情绪  详情 回复 发表于 2020-11-13 10:35


发表于 2020-11-13 10:35:38
本帖最后由 seilio 于 2020-11-13 10:46 编辑
泪·祭 发表于 2020-11-13 07:10
Thanks very much for generously sharing the four volumes together. I came to know about Saezutori wa ...

谢谢回复 也感谢你没有用翻译器

这个故事本身就是讲了一群矛盾的人之间矛盾的事 看他们如何学会与自己和解 接受过去那个破碎的自己

矢代 从他认识百目鬼之前确实一直爱着影山 但这个爱 更像是自己一个宣泄情绪的一个出口 两个孤独的人互相*舔*舐*着对方的伤口
而久我的出现 彻底让他的希望破灭了 以前还可以欺骗自己 但是 原来这个钝感到无药可救的人并不是不喜欢男人 只是不可能和自己在一起 原来他不可能产生自己对他那样的情愫

无望的单恋 永远说不出口的感情 这么多年 他真的累了
单恋永远都是关于自己一个人的事 什么时候开始 什么时候结束 不用和任何人商量 全凭自己一个人决定
一段长达几年的单恋可能结束就在一瞬间 像把尽力燃烧自己的蜡烛 一秒就能吹灭掉一样

那个吻也许并不是真正意义上的 矢代喜欢上百目鬼的标志 以许是在更早 也许是在之后
这个吻更像是 一个长辈对一个可爱真诚 直白坦率的晚辈 无法自制的怜爱

我看到这个情节的时候 根本没有想过 咦 为什么之前还那么爱着影山 怎么突然移情别恋
我看到的只有一个自以为活得潇洒   ***下载/download/otomedream/ダウンロード***   其实被重重束缚着 一直以来谨小慎微 小心翼翼 巧妙得隐匿着自己的恐惧与疼痛的他 终于踏出了一步 主动试着打开自己内心与别人产生牵连 所以这个吻戏 应该说丝毫没有一丝突兀感 只让人感觉自己被作者撕成破碎的心 又被她无情地踩了一脚的感觉
Translated by myself
If there is any grammatical error, please just ignore it

It’s Toobi~

Thank you for your sincere comment.

The story contains many levels of paradox. Yashiro, he wished to earn a relationship through his old friend but Kuga appeared. It is no denying that the appearance of Kuga really shattered his dream. And I think he is so tired of continuing this hopeless pursuit. Unrequited love is about one person’s private affairs. He decides when it starts and when it ends. A period of carrying a torch for someone for several years may end just in an instant.

The first kiss may not really mean that Yashiro fell in love with Doumeiki. It’s more like an elder’s affection for a younger generation, a superior's cherishment of his subordinates. He is so lonely, so lonely and so heartbreaking.

When I saw this kiss, what I thought was not why Yashiro changed so fast, but finally, finally this man, who thinks he lives free and unrestrained, but has been cautious about everything and always cleverly hide his fear and loneliness deeply, finally took the first step to seek contact with others. So I don’t feel any sense of abruptness in the kissing scene

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Thanks for your explanations!!!! I have read the English version but the translations are not 100% percent accurate so I wanted to read the originals. But I do disagree that Yashiro terminated his  详情 回复 发表于 2020-11-13 12:22


发表于 2020-11-13 12:22:09
本帖最后由 泪·祭 于 2020-11-15 07:27 编辑
seilio 发表于 2020-11-12 21:35
谢谢回复 也感谢你没有用翻译器

这个故事本身就是讲了一群矛盾的人之间矛盾的事 看他们如何学会与自 ...

Thanks for your explanations!!!! I apologize for not typing in Chinese as it won't make much sense to anyone... I've read the English version but the translations aren't 100% accurate, which made me want to read the originals.

I second your opinion on Yashiro's feeling of loneliness, even though he has tried so hard to deny it. Then Doumeiki's walked into the picture to be his counterpart. It almost brought me into tears when he had a flashback of his tragic past while they were joining as one in Chapter 25. I can more or less empathize with his fear of changing despite it's in a better direction. He has broken for so long that it's daunting to be normal and get hurt again (emotionally), that kind of ambivalence towards Doumeiki - wanting to be with someone yet refusing to be attached to anyone.

But I do disagree that Yashiro terminated his affection for Kageyama because of Kuga. I think Yashiro's never really tried to seek anything from his crush since the beginning, because he is always aware of his identity as a man with a twisted soul. His crying scene in the movie was so desperate... I guess he was shocked to notice Kageyama's curiosity about Kuga.  But he loves him still, that's why he has fallen for Doumeiki, who somewhat resembles Kageyama, in a blink of an eye. And then, gradually, Yashiro's realized Doumeiki's distinctive traits from his old crush and fallen head over heels for Domeiki for who he truly is, rather than just a shadow of someone else (in Chapter 23 or 24).

I really, really hope these two will come back together in Volume 7~~~~ Thanks again for sharing the manga!

p.s. I've crowned Shingaki Tarusuke and Ono Yuuki as my Top 2 favorite seiyuu because of this manga series and its drama CDs. No one can portrait Yashiro better than Shingaki-san as far as I'm concerned. >.< And  I instantly fell for Ono-san after his 「俺、久我な」~~~  

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赞: 5
Shingaki & Yuuki! Their voices are sooooo charming that can kiiiiiill me, like opiums   ***下载/download/otomedream/ダウンロード***   me addicted. Their voices have a huge lethality. My weak words can’t express how obse   发表于 2020-11-13 20:28


发表于 2021-4-6 08:25:51
本帖最后由 coffeycatlv 于 2021-4-6 11:24 编辑



发表于 2021-6-20 11:13:15
本帖最后由 Vampire_inth 于 2021-6-20 11:18 编辑




盛了多少一直努力不想让任何人感受到的   ***下载/download/otomedream/ダウンロード***   霾,






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